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Geotextile Fabrics

Geotextile Fabrics Made in USA
Core & Main Geosynthetics, headquartered in Willacoochee, GA, maintains the one of the country's largest inventories of Non-Woven Geotextiles, Woven Stabilization Geotextile Fabric, Woven Monofilament & High-Performance/High Strength Geotextile Fabric. Click Here to learn more about our line of Geogird. 

Core & Main Geosynthetics offers a wide range of Geotextile Fabrics to meet the requirements for virtually any application. Our geotextiles fabrics are designed to reduce costs of subsurface drains, roadways, railroads, dams, landfills and more. Let out experts assist you in choosing the right fabric for your project. Call 1-800-948-7870 or Click "Quick Quote" link below for pricing, technical assistance or for information on becoming a distributor.
Non-woven geotextiles fabrics are probably the most commonly known geotextiles. Non-woven polypropylene fabric, which has a felt-like consistency, combines strength and water flow. Available in varying weights and thicknesses, the fabrics are strong but permeable, allowing for varied uses. Non-woven fabrics commonly are used as a separator between subsoil and rock rip rap, and they also are used to separate soils and sized stone in many ground-level and subsurface drainage applications. Non-woven geotextile fabrics have a random, three-dimensional pore structure and are highly water permeable, as is necessary for many geotextile ends uses. A wide range of fabric weights ranging from 3.1oz. to over 16 oz. is offered to meet the requirements of various non-woven applications. Custom sizes are available with all of our woven and non-woven geotextile fabrics. We offer the lighter weight non-woven fabrics in 3' X 300' and 3' X 360' rolls for use as Pipe Wrap. Below are our standard weights and sizes.
Geotextile Fabrics
Workers rolling out a roll of CNM1600NT 16oz Non Woven Geotextile Fabric.

*NTPEP Certified Non-Woven Geotextile Fabrics

*(National Transportation Product Evaluation Program)
Product Name
Standard Sizes
Needle Punched Non-Woven
12.5’ x 360’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
15’ x 360’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
12.5’ x 360’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
15’ x 360’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
12.5’ x 360’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
15’ x 300’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
12.5’ x 360’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
15’ x 300’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
12.5’ x 300’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
15’ x 300’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
12.5’ x 360’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
15’ x 300’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
12.5’ x 300’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
15’ x 300’
Needle Punched Non-Woven
15’ x 150’
Geotextile Fabrics Woven and Non-Woven

Non-Woven SEDI-BAG - Filter Bags / Dewatering Bags

also known as Sediment Bags or Dirt Bags
Standard Sizes: 5' X 6' - 10' X 15' - 15' X 15' 
All bags are made from heavy 8oz Non-Woven Geotextile Fabric. The stitching is a Durable Double Thread Chain Stitch. Designed with spout and belt with "D" Rings for holding the hose.  

Custom 10 oz Non-Woven Geotextile Fabric Dewatering Bags available.  
Custom Sizes are available. 
Ask about quantity discounts!


*(National Transportation Product Evaluation Program)

Woven geotextiles are made from polypropylene as well, but the manufacturing process, product characteristics, and applications differ dramatically from those of nonwovens. Narrow strands of polypropylene tape are woven together during manufacturing, producing a sturdy fabric, but one with much less permeability than nonwovens. Commonly known as ground stabilization fabric, wovens are useful in separating less desirable subsoils from gravel or paved surfaces. 

By effectively bridging over poorer-quality soils, they can provide savings in material costs and project life cycles. Perhaps the easiest way to understand the value of soil separation in roadway construction is to be aware that stone and gravel tend to sink into softer soils. A simple adage that road builders have used for years goes something like this: “Five pounds of stone on top of five pounds of mud equals ten pounds of mud.

Product Name
Standard Sizes
200 lb Grab Tensile Woven Stabilization
12.5’ x 432’
200 lb Grab Tensile Woven Stabilization
17.5’ x 309’ 
315 lb Grab Tensile Woven Stabilization
12.5’ x 360’ 
315 lb Grab Tensile Woven Stabilization
17.5’ x 258’
Custom roll widths and lengths available.


*(National Transportation Product Evaluation Program)

This group adds a third dimension to the geotextile toolbox. In the manufacturing process, individual polypropylene filaments are woven together to form a fabric that resembles nylon screen cloth. Woven monofilaments are available with varying opening sizes to match up appropriately with site soil, and the result is a geotextile fabric that combines excellent flowability with durability and strength.

Uses for woven monofilaments are many and varied. They often are implemented in specialized applications where permeability is important, such as in drainage swale sides and bottoms. More recently, these geotextiles have been used in the construction of filter bags used to protect stormwater inlet structures from construction site sediment.

Core & Main Geosynthetics offers a wide variety of woven monofilament geotextiles uniquely designed to meet today’s requirements for filtration, separation and erosion protection. Manufactured using high strength UV stabilized yarn and designed to meet specific characteristics required for today’s engineering challenges. Monofilament fabrics provide exceptional consistency in AOS and water flow properties.

  • Durable polypropylene yarns woven for dimensional stability and consistent pore size
  • High permittivity and water flow rates
  • Excellent resistance to UV degradation
Product Name
Standard Sizes
Monofilament Geotextile Fabrics
12’ x 300’
Monofilament Geotextile Fabrics
12’ x 300’
Monofilament Geotextile Fabrics
12’ x 300’
Monofilament Geotextile Fabrics
15’ x 300’


*(National Transportation Product Evaluation Program)

Core & Main Geosynthetics' complete line of High-Performance geotextiles also knows as High Strength Geotextiles are uniquely designed to produce a superior geotextile fabric which yields exceptional strength combined with increased water flow and filtration properties. Our high-performance geotextiles are designed to provide reinforcement, separation, filtration, and confinement for a wide variety of site conditions from moderate to severe.

  • High soil confinement for greater load distribution
  • Durable and superior damage resistant
  • High modulus, for immediate structural support
  • Unique weave optimizing both strength and filtration properties
Product Name
Standard Sizes
High Strength -
 High Performance Geotextiles
15’ x 300’
High Strength -
 High Performance Geotextiles
15’ x 300’
High Strength -
 High Performance Geotextiles
15’ x 300’
High Strength -
 High Performance Geotextiles
15’ x 300’
High Strength -
 High Performance Geotextiles
15’ x 300’


Spun-bonded geotextiles. Rugged, non-woven fabrics appropriate for many applications, particularly in landscape construction, spun-bound geotextiles are used by landscapers to separate sub soils from surface stone or mulch and control weeds. Like woven and non-woven geotextile fabrics, spun-bonded geotextiles are used extensively in construction applications but most commonly used as landscape fabric

Allow us to assist in choosing the right fabric for next  job. Please call us today!
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