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Turbidity Barriers


Tough Guy Brand
L & M Supply is the number one choice for Floating Turbidity Barriers! FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS are a BMP designed to restrict the flow of sediment-laden stormwater runoff from a construction site, to keep it contained in a limited area, and allow the sediment to settle out before being carried into adjacent or joining watercourses.  
Turbidity Barriers are available in two different forms: Floating and Staked
FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS also know as Floating Turbidity Silt Curtains, consist of a top flotation boom, an impervious fabric curtain extending downward under water, and a heavy galvanized steel chain sealed into a hem along the entire bottom of the curtain to provide ballast to keep the curtain vertical in the water. End hems are sealed around a rope and grommeted to allow attachment to each other with rope or bolt/nuts/washers. Color is Tough Guy Yellow.



Type 1 DOT Floating Turbidity Barriers in use in lakes and ponds
Type I.DOT FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS is the most frequently specified FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS in the TOUGH GUY® line. It is recommended for construction sites located in protected areas that are exposed only to light winds and to current velocities of less than one foot per second. This type of site may include ponds, shallow lakes, small streams and marshes.
Anchorage consisting of stakes, concrete blocks or Anchor Kits may be required to maintain the barrier in its required position. Barrier sections are connected by rope lacing or nylon ties which can be furnished by L & M Supply.
Type 1 DOT Floating Turbidity Barriers in use in lake protecting surrounding water from construction site runoff


Type 2 DOT Floating Turbidity Barriers in use in medium flow and tidal waterway
Type 2 DOT FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS is the work horse of the TOUGH GUY® line. It has a top load cable and special stress plates for reinforcing the corners and is designed to handle more severe conditions. It is recommended for lakes, streams, inter-coastal and tidal areas where current velocities up to five feet per second are expected.
The anchorage and installation must be designed to meet the site conditions. Contact a qualified engineer for assistance when extraordinary site conditions are encountered. Barrier sections are connected by rope lacing or nylon ties which can be furnished by L & M Supply. 
Type 2 DOT Floating Turbidity Barriers in use in medium flow tidal area


Type 3 DOT Floating Turbidity Barriers in use in high flow waterway
Type 3 DOT FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS is a special adaption of the Type 2 FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS. Approximately 20 % of the area of the barrier skirt fabric is replaced with a polypropylene filter fabric conforming to some State DOT specifications. The filter fabric is inserted to reduce the pressure on the curtain while retaining silt. In actual practice, a filter fabric which is woven tightly enough to retain silt will not significantly reduce pressure on the curtain.
Conversely, if the filter fabric is woven loose enough to reduce the pressure on the curtain, it will not be able to retain most silt and sediment particles. In addition, the filter fabric cannot be heat-sealed, and must be sewn into the curtain, resulting in a reduction in curtain strength and longevity.
Type 3 DOT Floating Turbidity Barriers in use in high flow waterway
The anchorage and installation must be designed to meet the site conditions. Barrier sections are connected by rope lacing or nylon ties which can be furnished by L & M Supply.FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS installed in moving water, tidal areas, and windy areas must be anchored to stay in position. Let us know which of the above is right for your specific job and we will add to the above quotation!
FLOATING BARRIER SIZES: Standard length: 50’. Std. Depths: 3’, 4', 5’, 6', 7', 8', 9', 10’. Standard sizes are normally in stock ready for immediate shipment. Custom lengths (up to 100’) and depths (from 2’ to 100’) are readily available for rapid manufacture and shipment. Custom colors and accessories, such as LIGHTED NAVIGATION BUOYS and ANCHOR KITS, are available. 

Standard Turbidity Barrier Components

Tough Guy Floating Turbidity Barrier Selection Guide
Floating Turbidity Barrier Selection Guide

Anchor Kits for Floating Turbidity Barriers

Includes everything needed to anchor Tough Guy® Floating Turbidity Barriers. Anchor, rope, chain, shackles, thimbles, anchor buoy, and positioning / retrieval buoy, EVERYTHING!

Anchor Kits for Floating Turbidity Barriers
Floating turbidity barriers installed in moving water, tidal areas, and windy areas must be anchored to stay in position. L & M Supply offers complete factory-assembled anchoring systems to make job site installation easy.

Tough Guy® Anchor Kits include everything needed to anchor Floating Turbidity Barriers: Anchor, rope, chain, shackles, thimbles, anchor buoy, and positioning/retrieval buoy, ALL OF WHICH ARE FACTORY ASSEMBLED.

Anchor Kit A includes 18 lb. anchor. Anchor Kit B has a 25 lb. anchor.
Both include 50 ft. of rope, with longer rope an option. Both kits are easy to install. Just snap onto cable loop at joint of turbidity barrier’s top load line. Position, reposition, and remove with Positioning/Retrieval Buoy.   
Floating turbidity barriers installed in moving water, tidal areas, and windy areas must be anchored to stay in position. L & M Supply offers complete factory-assembled anchoring systems to make job site installation easy.

Tough Guy® Anchor Kits include everything needed to anchor Floating Turbidity Barriers: Anchor, rope, chain, shackles, thimbles, anchor buoy, and positioning/retrieval buoy, ALL OF WHICH ARE FACTORY ASSEMBLED.
KIT A includes 18 lb. anchor. Kit B has a 25 lb. anchor. Both include 50 ft. of rope, with longer rope an option. Both kits are easy to install. Just snap onto cable loop at joint of turbidity barrier’s top load line. Position, reposition, and remove with Positioning/Retrieval Buoy.
Type 1.m, Type 2.m, & Type 3.m are economy versions of DOT barriers, utilizing lighter components in their construction. Type .m barriers may meet specifications in certain states. Check local requirements.
Anchor Kits for Floating Turbidity Barriers


STAKED BARRIERS are continuous panels of impervious vinyl-polyester fabric that, installed correctly, can contain storm water runoff or re-direct it to proper channels or retention areas. On-land installation is similar to that of silt fence, with 8 inches below grade and 36 inches above grade attached to stakes. Staked Barriers can also be installed in up to 18 inches of water.
The fabric curtain has a heat sealed hem along the top edge and is approximately 44.5 inches wide. A narrow trench 8 inches deep is dug along the perimeter line and stakes are driven every 6 feet along the down slope side of the trench. The upper portion of the barrier is attached to the stakes with staples, wires or nylon ties, keeping the top of the barrier 36 inches above grade.
The lower edge of the curtain is placed in the trench which is then backfilled. This system works best in porous soils on moderately sloped sites. The stakes may be hardwood or metal t-post. Stakes are not included and must be purchased separately. Ask your sales representative for more details.  
Standard Color: Tough Guy Yellow 
Toll Free: 800-948-7870
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